Saturday, September 7, 2024  
Aboriginal Housing Coalition
GLW Green Left Weekly March 1996

Around 150 rallied on March 13 to save the Block around Eveleigh Street, Redfern. Organised by the Redfern Aboriginal Housing Coalition, the rally condemned plans to relocate up to 100 Aboriginal families from housing owned by the Aboriginal Housing Company in Redfern and to commercially develop the land. Read more
ABC NEWS  - January 1997
Video clips on ABC's website 'Rebuilding the Block':
  • The Redfern summit
  •  Redfern rallies
  •  & a later one - Block evictions
GLW Green Left Weekly February 1997
On January 31, more than 300 people attended a public meeting called by the Redfern Aboriginal Housing Coalition to discuss opposition to the ongoing relocation of residents and demolition of houses in Eveleigh Street, Redfern. The meeting followed extensive media coverage of petty crimes in the area, and continued government and police attacks on the Aboriginal community.

Speakers at the meeting, organised by Aboriginal Housing Coalition workers Anne Cummings and Tanya Laurie, expressed their disgust at the conditions their homes had been allowed to deteriorate to... Read more
Four Corners visits what was once a dream for Aboriginal self-determination. Reporter Liz Jackson found an intractable problem on the city fringe, which is meeting the irrepressible force of the Olympics deadline ... and the people are under pressure to move.
Read the transcript
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