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Unable to locate search index for this site

If this is your website contact us for help.

(your site id is 17536741)

Here are some reasons that this error may have occurred:

New websites - if you just added search to this website

  • Perhaps this website has not yet been indexed. That is, the webmaster just recently signed up for this service, but has not yet completed proper setup.

    If you are the webmaster and have just signed up for the FreeFind search engine service, visit the FreeFind Control Center and press the "Build Index" tab, and then press the "Index now" link. Our system will email you when indexing is complete.

Existing websites - if the search worked before
  • The most common reason for existing sites to stop working is failure to renew the subscription. If this has happened to your site, just contact us and we will be happy to renew your subscription. provides high performance site search technology to websites. For more information about our site search engine visit our home page

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