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Donate to my cause now to help us continue our Independence Programs for people with a disability, allowing them to more fully take part in our community and live happy and fulfilled lives.

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    Participate Australia

    Participate Australia: a progressive, Sydney-based disability support organisation with more than a third of a century’s experience in supporting people living with intellectual, cognitive and developmental disabilities.  
    ‘Participation’ is fundamental to a contemporary discourse about disability. It appears 26 times in one way or another in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which seeks to achieve full participation in society of people living with disability. This is also a reflection of our core values.

    Through Government funding, we are able to support people with disabilities in pursuing their aspirations and in reaching goals of greater autonomy and inclusion in the community.

    We have more than three decades’ experience in developing innovative programs in consultation with the people we support; programs that foster greater independence and autonomy, and which nurture community engagement.  The costs associated with developing resources, evaluating outcomes and continually improving these programs are entirely self-funded and we depend on the business community and the support from individuals to help us continue existing initiatives and create new opportunities.

    Through our life-skills programs, people with a disability learn things like financial literacy; cooking and housekeeping to help them move into more independent living arrangements; they learn how to engage in and nurture rewarding and safe relationships and to recognise and respect diversity; they learn how to create art or acquire information technology skills to safely engage with family and friends through social media and so on.

    With your help, we can continue to support these programs with appropriate resources and we can ensure that the learnings we make from the experiences of program participants are converted into improvements and the development of new and necessary programs.

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    is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

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