Community questions regarding the redevelopment plans for Waterloo public housing


Earlier this month, Waterloo Public Housing Action Group (WPHAG) met with Minister for Social Housing Brad Hazzard and representatives from Urban Growth, Family and Community Services (FACS), Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC), NSW Planning and City of Sydney. We highlighted the range of community concerns and questions about the redevelopment plans and queried how Waterloo communities can participate in the Master Plan process. We argued that tenants should be in a position to negotiate on the decisions made about the place that is their home. Tenants should be able to ask questions and get responses as the redevelopment plans change and progress.

Waterloo Stakeholder Meeting at FACS, Strawberry Hills 7th Oct 2016

We presented the following questions and concerns about the redevelopment of Waterloo at the meeting. We are due responses to these questions before the end of October and will upload them to our site.

If you have any questions you’d like to ask or concerns to raise, you can email us or comment here or on our Facebook Page.

Community questions regarding the redevelopment plans for Waterloo public housing

Compiled by Waterloo Public Housing Action Group

Friday 7th October 2016.



  1. How dense is dense? How many people will there be per km sq?
  2. How will green space be accounted for in proposed densities?
  3. How much green space will there be?
  4. How much green space will be lost?
  5. What new services will be put in place? E.g. Schools, hospitals, banks etc?
  6. How will Urban Growth NSW ensure that the same number of public housing units will remain after redevelopment? Should that number increase?
  7. How will Urban Growth NSW ensure that the area remains affordable for low-income residents after redevelopment?
  8. How will the redevelopment be sensitive to the culture, legacy and heritage of Waterloo?
  9. How are Aboriginal land rights and housing needs addressed in the redevelopment plan?
  10. How are human rights impacted by the estate redevelopment? E.g. right to age in place, right to belong in the city?
  11. How is accessibility being taken into account in the redevelopment plans
  12. What community consultation has been going on since the announcement
  13. How has tenant feedback been incorporated into the plan
  14. What best practice guidance are Urban Growth drawing upon to inform their plan
  15. What research evidence are Urban Growth drawing upon to inform their plan
  16. How will the redevelopment process be independently monitored and evaluated to ensure the wellbeing of tenants?
  17. What steps will be taken to ensure a democratic consultation process
  18. How long will the redevelopment take
  19. How much effort will be made to ensure residents can remain in place during redevelopment?

New tenancy terms

  1. Will rents remain the same? If not, how will rents be controlled
  2. What is considered an affordable rent?
  3. Will tenures/leases remain the same
  4. Will eviction policies remain the same
  5. Will security management of the buildings and estate remain the same
  6. Will residents get like for like? E.g. two-bedroom unit for a two-bedroom unit. Will tenants with carers be provided with the necessary extra bedrooms
  7. Will there be financial assistance with storage of belongings and purchase of new furnishings if needed?


  1. Is re-blocking/renovating the high rise buildings a viable economic option?
  2. Are the buildings structurally sound?
  3. Have building surveys been carried out to investigate the structural integrity of the buildings and their economic longevity?
  4. How much would it cost to renovate each existing unit versus cost to build a new unit?
  5. Is a cost-benefit analysis of renovation versus demolition available?
  6. If the high rise buildings are renovated, will all the units remain as social housing?
  7. If the high rise buildings are renovated, how would the state government’s target ration of 30% affordable housing to 70% private housing be achieved?

Community Housing Provider

  1. If the public housing is transferred to a Community Housing Provider, who would that be?
  2. How will the community housing provider be appointed?
  3. How will the government ensure a reputable provider gets the lease?
  4. How will tenants be involved in the tendering process?
  5. Will reputable NSW non-profit community housing providers be supported to take on the lease?
  6. Will for-profit organisations be given the lease?
  7. How long will the lease be for?

Demographic information

  1. Who lives in Waterloo public housing?
  2. How long have they lived there? Number of generations.
  3. How are the redevelopment plans tailored to the current demographic profile of public housing residents in Waterloo? In other words, for whom is this urban redevelopment designed?
  4. How will different community groups be consulted? E.g. where English is a second language?

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