Monday, March 31, 2025  
    13 June 2024  
The Third Trevor Davies Memorial Lecture – 13 June 2024
As many of you will know, Trevor Davies (1956 - 2011) was a much-loved stalwart of the inner-city, and the ALP introduced an annual lecture in his name to honour him. Trevor was also a founding member and active participant in REDWatch and was the founder and editor of the South Sydney Herald. Trevor is also the only person in Australia to have an ALP Branch named after him.
This year the Trevor Davies Branch we will be hosting a dinner style event, which invites friends to share a meal, conversation and policy discussion with one another at the Royal Hotel, Darlington on 13th June at 7:00pm. As this is a sit down event, RSVP is essential.
The guest speaker will be Tim Ayres, Assistant Minister for Trade and Assistant Minister for Manufacturing, and a former member of Trevor Davies Branch. Tim will be speaking about the history of manufacturing in the Darlington area, and the how the Albanese Government’s flagship Future Made in Australia policy will shape manufacturing into the future.
from the REDWatch newsletter
    Tributes to Trev  

Trevor's contribution to the community and other information and tributes.


SSH July tribute edition to founder and news editor Trevor Davies.



TREVOR DAVIES 25/5/1956 - 14/6/2011


Trevor Davies  was a member of the Editorial Committee of the South Sydney Herald (SSH), a publication of South Sydney Uniting Church.  He was born in Wales in 1956, to a strong working class family.  He came to Australia in 1966, moving to Redfern in 1978.

You have lived in the area for many years now. Can you give us some background about your involvement in the establishment of the local community paper in Redfern? How did you get involved with the SSH?

Trevor Davies: I was running a monthly Politics in the Pub in Chippendale about 1994. We were publishing and distributing about 2,000 newsletters on A3 format, which advertised the pub forums and had some articles that went to every house in Redfern and Darlington. The paper was photocopied at an office of an inner city politician.

The church I go to is South Sydney Uniting Church [the publisher of South Sydney Herald].

How does the SSH differ from the mainstream community papers in the area or, what do you see as the main contribution of SSH to the community?

Trevor Davies: I’m not sure if their papers are similar to ours. Ours is not-for-profit, ‘leftish’, and tells stories from across the inner city. The main contribution is that people outside the Aboriginal community and outside the public housing community read sympathetic stories about public housing issues and Aboriginal issues. We are the only paper, monthly or weekly, that goes around door to door around the large public housing estates in the inner city and around the Block, as well as to the more wealthy parts of the inner city. We are the people bringing people together.

From my own impression, SSH is truly engaging with the community from all walks of life: developers, politicians, residents, minority groups. What personally motivates your activism in social issues, in particular, giving voice to important issues and people?

Trevor Davies: An end to homophobia, racism, an end to poverty, etc.

How does your personal philosophy fit in with your membership of the Uniting Church?

Trevor Davies: Well, the answer is obvious. My Christian faith. As a Christian and as part of the Christian family at South Sydney, we are bringing about the Kingdom of God.

What support do you get from the community in running the paper?

Trevor Davies: They help us with distribution and they attend our fundraisers.

What are the highlights that you can think of in terms of SSH’s story coverage that has made an impact on positive changes in the community?

Trevor Davies: Our advocacy of the Pemulwuy project [Housing project proposed by the Aboriginal Housing Company] and the support we have given to the ‘Self Injection Room’ at the Cross would have made an impact. There are probably others.

Do you have any wish list in terms of the operation of SSH?

Trevor Davies: That our advertising covers our cost, website and a circulation across the city through the CBD, to Glebe and Pyrmont.

Interviewer: Deborah Wall
    25 July 2015  

Sandstone bench seat commemorates Trevor Davies (1956-2011),
established as part of the Darlington Village streetscape improvements.
    25 May 2022  
66 years ago Trevor Davies was born. Descended from Welsh coal miners, Trevor devoted his life to social justice, whether it be his fellow public housing residents, the local Indigenous community or the Labor rank & file movement of the 1980s. Such was his stature, that his death in 2011 was announced in Federal Parliament, nearly 1000 people attended his funeral and the Darlington-Eveleigh Branch was renamed the Trevor Davies Branch.  SydneyYoungLabor
    14 June 2022  


Just like Trevor 👩‍🏭🌳🌏 we must organise collectively
and never cease speaking truth to power.
🪧 SydneyYoungLabour

Lecture honours Labor titan Trevor Davies | SSH
Trevor Davies
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