 In 1973 the AHC formed in direct response to the widespread discrimination Aboriginal people experienced in the private rental market. The lack of affordable housing for Redfern's increasing Aboriginal population and general racial discrimination in the private housing market resulted in a group squatting in empty terraces in Louis Street Redfern, in the latter months of 1972. In November that year, police arrested 15 squatters. They were released in the care of Father Ted Kennedy at St Vincent’s Church in Redfern. Fr Kennedy housed the goomies in the church hall, but when the number of homeless people living in the church grew to over 50 South Sydney Council exerted great pressure on Fr Kennedy to evict them. Fr Ted Kennedy teamed up with Aboriginal leaders including Bob Bellear and his brother Sol. The Builder Labourers Federation imposed a green ban on the Louis Street site prohibiting the owner from demolishing and redeveloping the houses. The squatters organised themselves and formed The Aboriginal Housing Company. A grant of $530,000 from the newly elected Whitlam government allowed the AHC to purchase and restore the first six houses.  When the Fraser Coalition government was elected in 1975, a year later it terminated capital works funding to the project. Without financial assistance the Block descended into disrepair. By the early 1980s the AHC had acquired almost half the properties on the Block and with another change of federal government (Hawke/Keating) came renewed support for Redfern’s Aboriginal community. In 1994 the last house on the Block was finally owned by the AHC . |

 A Condensed History of the Block in Redfern Material from the Gary Foley Collection
t i m e l i n e - in reverse order
 Urban Renewal Development Award for The Block | SSH
29 January 2017 / 9 March 2017
Redfern Tent Embassy 26th May 2014 - Sept 2015

 | NITV Tuesday 1st July 2014
| |
August 2015 - Lorna Munro 26/8 | Jenny Munro 4/9 Court report: Protesters lose case - SSH | ABC
The Block: Stories from a Meeting Place was http://www.sbs.com.au/theblock but gone :(

These are some quick links, but go in and explore, it's interactive, and don't miss the timeline...

All The best - The Block Yvonne Phillips | Shane - Family&Culture days| Lionel | Gym | AHC | St Vincents Church | Mahalia | Gathering Place |

Pemulwuy on the Block [ABC Encounter] 2009 Jack Callaghan, Mick Mundine, Lily Shearer, Col James, Peter Lonergan, Julie Cracknell, Angie Pitts, Lani Tuitavake, Edmund Campion and Elizabeth Farrelly |
 | dreaming the block Angela Pitts in Architecture Australia |
Redfern: Aboriginal activism in the 1970s by Johanna Perheentupa - thesis | book CHAPTER 6 - Claim to urban land: Aboriginal Housing Company
From the archives: 16 April 1973 - Work started
 Black housing book edited by Robert W. Bellear pp.4-5 Amber Press May 1976
Evictees formed a mop and bucket brigade to cleanup the houses in December 1972 ??? Henry Wallace ?? Bobbie Perry ? Another is Donald Solomon, other people at the time were Cyril Boney, Jasper McGregor Grey, Kenny Fraser, Joe Mick, Frank Kyle, John Kyle, Wilfred Morton, Rodney Connors, Gladys McAvoy, George Villaflor. [names from Kaye Bellear]
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