Friday, July 26, 2024  
Redfern Aboriginal Tent Embassy 2014
    established 26 June 2014  
The opening

Go to their facebook page for all their news

Tent embassy protest - need for housing
Stringer | NIT | Sky | SMH | SSH | ABC | NITV
Interviews with Jenny Munro Stringer | YouTube

Photos - May26 | May31 | June7

Pitch for affordable housing
South Sydney Herald 2nd June

ABC local 702 3rd June


Rally 14th June NIT

Photos by Peter Boyle

☊ NIRS Joan Bell

☊ NIRS Kay Bellear

☊ NIRS Lyall Munro
Click for photos

ABC Lateline 10th June

NITV Tuesday 1st July
Watch online

Blockade July 7 - NITV | NewMat | SMH | photos 1|2

Honi Soit - July 7 | July 6 | July 3
Uni students embroiled in debate CityHub July3

Photo: Edwina Pickles
Definition of ownership - The Age - July

July 12

NIT July 30

Joe Miles; the nightwatchman Kaye Bellear & Jenny Munro
ABC 702 July 30................NIT August 6

Jenny Munro in Green Left August 13

Koori Mail August 28
    See also  
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