Get your filthy hands off Safe Schools

April 7, 2016
Safe Schools helps counter homophobia.

Resistance: Young Socialist Alliance released this statement on April 1.

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Resistance: Young Socialist Alliance (RYSA) is strongly opposed to the federal government's moves to restrict and gut funding to the Safe Schools Program. The program was designed to counter homophobic and transphobic bullying in schools, and is a vital lifeline for young queer people in Australia.

The federal government voted on a number of changes to the program including restricting Safe Schools to secondary schools only, removing the role-playing exercises from the program, and “empowering parents” to make the decision as to whether or not their children will participate in the program.

Safe Schools is a program to empower LGBTI students. It does not exist for parents, and the introduction of parental permission defeats the whole purpose of the support program. Many LGBTI young people experience homophobia and transphobia in the home and don't feel safe to come out for that reason.

The federal government, in cahoots with reactionary bigots like the Australian Christian Lobby and Family First, are waging a war on young queer people and the wider LGBTI community.

RYSA applauds the actions of young people, students and community members who have rallied around the country to support the program and oppose homophobia and transphobia.

Mia Sanders, national co-convener of RYSA said: “Defending Safe Schools is an essential step in the broader fight against homophobia and transphobia. Resistance will stand with young queer people and the broader community around the country to fight back against this bigotry. Only a broad grass roots campaign will change attitudes and defeat bigotry.”

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