Saturday, July 27, 2024  


    10 May 2024  

    24 April 2024  

event | sbs ondemand ♪♫
    20 April 2024  

Tim, Rhubee and Tania
Goin' to Waterloo ♪♫ #rcc20
    22 December 2023  

new Solid Ground track from 🌟 Alex Park students
BLAK AND DEADLY ♪♫ with FringeDwellers 🔥💥
    26 November 2023  

We met at the Eora Centre in 1997 .. Stiff Gins NITV
    19 November 2023  

Sunday Brunch ABC |
    30 June 2023 >>>  

♫♪♫ first to kick off - the Stiff Gins
Green Hand Band Nov24
last Friday of the month @KooriRadio ♫♪♫
    21 September 2023  
Over the flipping moon to say that Ngarra-Burria has been
This is amazeballs news ... Nardi ❤️🖤💛🎶🎻💿
    21 June 2023  

vid includes Redfern & Lapa elders

Vic Simms, Bronwyn Penrith, Beryl Van Oploo, Donnela Waters, Ray Minniecon, Phil Bligh, Shane Phillips
    10 June 2023  

Gii Music ... ♫♫♪♫ ... Green Hand Band & more
get down there Sat'dy night, unplugged
, and yarn abt songs - Tim
showreel | ✅ green room
    6 April 2023  

DOBBY’s five pivotal moments | HappyMagFEATS
    2 December 2022  

includes Marlene Cummins, Tim Gray, Mark Munk Ross

Watch 'Starting Over' composed by Marlene Cummins,
played by EnsembleOffspring, filmed at 2022 concert.

Watch Mark/Munk's 'Streets of Sydney' recorded
in the ABC studio back in July, and at the concert.
    28 October 2022  

Emma Donovan - Soul Sister | Living Black
includes her time at the Eora Centre with Kaleena & Nardi
    31 October 2021  

Marlene is back - new time 12 to 2pm Sunday
and now repeats at 8pm
    12 August 2021  

Brother Richard, I put this together for your beautiful song after you passed .. Tim
    4 August 2021  

turning 10 years old - showcase
    13 March 2021  
    29 October 2020  

  catch the concert HERE ♫♪☀️🎧🎤
    15 August 2020  

Been lucky to know & work with Dobby over the years.
it's aways awesome to see and share what a deadly
muso performance artist he is. Ted
    30 July 2020  

One Point 5 by Mi-kaisha & Nooky, filmed in Redfern
#keepourmobsafe 👣🌟🙏🏾 ♫♪♫
    21 June 2020  

Green Hand Band ♫♪♫
Make Music Day 2020 @ Eora Centre all here
    17 June 2020  

Hip hop can engage and educate: Break it down under
    27 July 2020  

I’m so grateful to have created this track with
sister BARKAA ... captures that frustration felt
constantly in our community. DOBBY ♫♪♫
    June 2020  

Back in the '80s, we played Rock Against Racism concerts and lent our support whenever we could. I wrote DEATH IN CUSTODY in 1987. One night, we were playing it - and a few members of the Redfern Aboriginal band, Black Lace, walked in and stood there transfixed by the song. They came up after the set and ended up recording their own version in 1988.  [Ian Hearn, Strange Tenants]
    June 2020  

Brenda L Croft worked for Radio Redfern, & covered the Invasion Day march in 1988. We invited Brenda to guest-write a PLAYLIST ♫♪♫ These ‘songs of spirit and survival’ resonate anew ... #ArtGalleryNSW
    22 April 2020  

 fb live 2pm plus replay Moogahl Live 
    25 March 2020  
    25 November 2019  
recorded for Yaama Ngunna Baaka #waterislife
    23 August 2019  

Solid Ground 🌟 students from Alex Park singing
THE NEXT GENERATION ♪♫ with Marcus Corowa 🔥💥
    August 2019  

Away From Base students @ EORA TAFE performing
    11 May 2019  

    29 April 2019  

This is another track from #Glebeyouthservice
FRESHNESS ♪♫  with
P.Smurf and CHASM 🔥💥
    5 March 2019  

The Glebe Boys
    5 March 2019  

Barayagal Choir - Wed 6pm RCC / Old Darlington School
    30 November 2018  

Ngarra-Burria: First Peoples Composers | MusicShow ABC
    7 November 2018  

Finally it’s here my cds are done 😁❤️🔥 thanks
the crew lastminuteproduction ✊🏾 [Sonboy Carr]
listen on Soundcloud |  doco Redfern Hometown
    22 September 2018  

Miss the launch ? No worries, you can
download FREE or stream it here #toolivetoodeadly
    5 September 2018  

Stephen Carr-Saunders, 'Sonboy', is using music to
share his story about growing up on The Block [SSH]
    3 August 2017, broadcast 2 November 2017  

AMPLIFY: Indigenous Composer Initiative
♫♪ Soundcloud
    15 December 2017  

New CD! Yes, this beautiful thing has five tracks.
$20 plus postage, greenhandband a.t gmail ..
    6 May 2017  

Lil Son Boy Carr and his track 'Hometown'
- an ode to the one and only REDFERN!
This all went down at A Day Out On The Block!
We love our local talent.|Koori Radio - n/a? try Spotify
    16 July 2016  

mini doco on YouTube
    August 2016  

Rising Stars

launched at the annual NAIDOC Klub Koori
    2014 - 2016  

P a r
k   R d   S t u d i o

'Walk in the room' Microwave Jenny

Dancing with Genoa Ghela - blog link gone
    November 2015  

Shireen at International Women's Jazz Festival

Redfern Jarjums singing 'Young black and deadly'
    18 September 2015  

Red Dirt In Bondi: The story of Building Bridges

by Bart Willoughby
on AWAYE! with Nakkiah Lui @6.50min. firat released 2000
    26 January 2015  
solidarity offering

Shaun Kelly & Kween G - YouTube music clip
'different timezone | same struggle'

    Green Hand Band  

    Renegades of Munk  

Renegades of Munk - iTunes | YouTube | Vimeo
Songs and stories
     Whichway up 2008

     1. Feel so bad
     2. Lovers blues
     3. Pemulwuy
Listen to MARLOO'S BLUES on Koori Radio Sundays 12-2
    31 August 2014  

Nadeena Dixon - The Music Project [SBS LivingBlack]

Listen on bandcamp

Sisters Alicia and Emily Johnson, as the duo Ngaratya, cut their teeth graduating
from the Redfern Community Centre's 'On Track' music program in 2009, and
playing at local community gigs, such as the Family & Culture Day at the Block.
This CD came out of their Whichway participation in 2010 and 2011.

The Music Project Living Black
Domestic violence

Nardi talks about her song dedicated to TJ on Awaye
listen to the TJ song GO GO -
YouTube | Spotify

Namatjira haven ♪♫  by the Block Harmony Choir
The Block Rox! Lyrics by Kaiyu Bayles

(dedicated to the families past n present of Redfern Oz)

Holden Street's where my family began,
Nan hiding under the bed
From the devil man.
Mum fought her way through,
No one had it easy I knew.
Cards was the go, though
But no takin things slow. though

The full lyrics are HERE

Gadigal  Music


Gadigal Music on MySpace
Current mood:  awake
The Stiff Gins are currently in the Gadigal Studios working on their 3rd album. Expect the same brilliant songwriting but with a whole band this time. It's being produced by Tania Bowra so she will push them to get the best. exciting stuff yeah !!

The making of ... Stiff Gins with Tania & Tim, and other treats on YouTube

Coach Rob Welsh with U7s singing the RAB song
We keep the ball in motion ♪♫

listen on soundcloud

interview- Marley, Nadeena, Tim, Tania- link updated

photos of launch

Central Magazine 21 January 2009
Deborah & Artie listen to Uncle Ningenah

Wednesday arvo jam - on YouTube
    Gathering Ground 2008  

Flowers & trees

One day there'll be FLOWERS & TREES
No DISEASE 4 me 2 breathe
the DRUGS, the THIEVES or the HEART that's in ME.

Reegan Carr MCRuff 12, Stephen 'Sonboy' Carr 13, Marley Dixon MCLikwid 16, producer WireMC

listen on YouTube

    13 February 2008  

written by Nadeena & launched the day of the Apology
recorded with Studio RCC, released on Songbird Calling
    Gadigal Music 2008  
itunes .

Gadigal Music launches a recording studio and label

Casey Donovan, Adam James, Radical Son and Krista Pav played
at the launch of Gadigal Music in 2008. Speaking out
    2007 - 2009  


October 23, 2007 Hip-hop mob get their own Redfern recording label [SMH]
November 01, 2009 Aboriginal Record Label Opens in Sydney [VoA]
Urban voices : the Redfern Records story Canada Bay Council with Stephen & Nikita Ridgeway

Beats_from_ tha_streets_Cover271.jpg

Rock the Block
video on YouTube
two film clips now available on youTube
1. Rock The Block using photos from Rock the Block 1&2, Kids Rock the Block & Reggae on the Block
set to 'We rock the Block' performed by 'Andorra' with 'Sarcasm' - Koreena Leverett, Jared Martin & Janaiah Orcher.. produced by Joel Beasant April 2014

2. Rock the Block doco - compilation uploaded 2019
    15 October 2006  

Black footsteps - one of the acts

B.L.A.C.K. An Aboriginal song of hip-hop
Blackfellas rapping, breaking and writing:
A short history of Aboriginal hip hop
by Tony Mitchell

       Another day, and The making of 'Another day'
Winner of Best Music Video at St Kilda Festival in 2006
& documentary about the process of making the
award winning music video at The Settlement.

Local Knowledge filmed 'Blackfellas' on the Block
    Best from the mob 2005  

The best from the mob’ is a compilation CD produced at the Redfern Community Centre – the first of many! It features a vibrant selection of tracks by Sydney-based artists, many of them Aboriginal, who used the recording facilities at RCC during 2005.


       Highlights include:

  • ‘Dreamtime Stories’ by Richie Jarrett
  • ‘My Boy’ by melodic, urban songwriter Tim Bishop
  • ‘Urban Misfitz’ by New Zealand-hailing rapping crew
    Urban Prophetz;
  • ‘Watersong’ by powerful singer and Gadigal
    language teacher Dr Greenthumb;
  • ‘Travelled So Far’ by Aboriginal-Irish songwriter
    Rhubee Neale
  • …and several other great tracks by up ’n’ coming
    local artists and community based music projects
    [RCC website notes]

Listen to
✅  My boy - Tim Bishop
✅  Travelled so far - Rhubee Neale
✅  Dreamtime stories  - Richie Jarrett [2007 performance - YouTube]
    StudioRCC 2004  

The first track recorded and produced from the
studio at Redfern Community Centre in 2004.
Lyrics: T Bishop& R Neale; Melody: T Bishop.text

Jesse Close and Raymond & Vincent West performed
'The Block' at Stand Your Ground in 2002.
All you mob CD & a YouTube clip
    Koori collective 2001  


Koori_collective_volume01 track list271.jpg

Aletha Penrith, Nick Hartley, Radical Son, Colin Quinlan, Steve Balbi, Simone Wimalaratne, Edie
Coe, Nioka Coe, Mary Munro, Angeline Penrith, Vincent Stone, Phil Williams. |  Listen to Silent
    Place of peace 1999  


Hip Hop - A Place of Peace...

Place of Peace is a hip hop compilation CD created by a group of young people at The Settlement in 1999. They attended music workshops for eight weeks, culminating in the 18 track CD.
The music aired on Koori Radio and Triple J,

RAWW website   | 
Listen to Creations    |   Watch the  FILM

    1998 / 2002 / 2006  

Tim Bishop's song performed 1998, recorded
live recordings of songs from 2002 theatre production

From the JJ archives: In 1996, Fugees paid a
pretty special visit to Redfern @TheSettlement
    1990s >  

Aunty Wendy's mob

We're Koori kids
& we live down Redfern way

As I was walking down Eveleigh St
Eveleigh Street, Eveleigh Street
Some little Koori kids
I chanced to meet, Singin' ‘
Red, Black and Yellow

    1989 / 1991  

1989 in Marrickville. Police shoot an innocent unarmed Aboriginal man dead in his own home. The officers were cleared of wrong doing. Clip starts with news footage of the events & protests. Song released in 1991. [CS]

Mac Silva & Bob Maza sing 'Brown skin baby'
in the film 'The Fringe dwellers'

A lot of talent has passed through the Eora Centre. e.g. The Stiff Gins met there in 1997.

< Bob Merritt's message of understanding

October 18-19 1986
    1981 >  
Radio Redfern            Koori Radio
1981 - 1990                1993 > 
    1966 - 1989  
Silva Linings & Black Lace

Our page on this legendary band

    late 50s early 60s  

.Jimmy Little and (probably) Candy Williams preparing for National Aborigines Day, 14 July 1963.
Candy Williams, originally from Cowra, had been pivotal to the development of an Aboriginal music scene in Redfern, which included Jimmy Little & later Colin Hardy. NADOC57-67


songs from 1956-58 playlist ♫♪

'Jimmy Little: A Yorta Yorta man' by Frances Peters-Little 2023
Frances talks with Munk on Koori Radio
includes living in Redfern in the 50s, &jamming sessions
Olive & Eva
Recording pioneers
Sunday 6 July 2014
ABC RN RareCollections

Their 1956 recordings were the first commercially available discs released
by an all Indigenous act.

sung by Benelong and Yemmerawanne in London in 1793
recorded by Clarence Slockee and Matthew Doyle in 2010
    for December  

Our Santa Claus is brown  Georgie Kookaburra
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