Saturday, July 27, 2024  
    11 December 2023  

Farewell to Ali Murphy-Oates | Moogahlin
    5 October 2023  
Blak Out Radio:
Angeline Penrith

is yarning with
Aaliyah Jade Bradbury

part of AMPLIFY:
Story, Resistance, Radio
BLAQUE SHOWGIRLS extended to 21 October
    11 September - 14 October 2023  

The visitors - Moogahlin | @SydneyTheatreCompany
    28 - 30 September 2023  

   Meet the storytellers & their works 🢁 
The 10th anniversary brings a First Peoples' lens to storytelling.

incredible first week of sharing space and stories with the  40+ First
Peoples creatives that have taken over Carriageworks! | Moogahlin

Moogahlin Performing Arts' Yellamundie Festival marks 10 years | AWAYE
applications due 2nd June
🎦 Nardi talks about working with Troy

New work developments: 18–27 September
Presentations: 28-30 September 2023
    18 January 2023  

As I was walking down Eveleigh St .. #watchthisspace
Dalara Williams fellowship - Belvoir | SSH
    6 October | 12 November 2022  

celebrating the 50th anniversary
of the Black Theatre and Tent Embassy

‘It had no filters’: the legacy of Australia’s
provocative National Black Theatre
| TheGuardian
Program launched 25 Aug | All about events |SSH
    21 - 22 October 2022  
    2 April - 29 May 2022  

The Rep Season @ The Belvoir - power & change
    25 June 2021  

Dalara Williams joins Moogahlin Performing Arts

Billy Mac's play 'Cuz' on Soundcloud | UTP
    21 May 2021  

supporting First People's storytellers across the performing art
it takes a community to raise an entity ✌🏿❤️😀👣🎉🎊🎭🎶
    22 - 23 January 2021  

Burrundi Theatre for Performing Arts founded by Kerry
Johnson, inspired by the Black Theatre of the 1970s.

One Night at Warangesda – music, theatre, site tour

film clip

NAIDOC performance - Always was, always will be
    14 May 2020  

Shari Sebbens & Luke Carrol perform a scene from Battle of Waterloo
    4 January - 5 February 2020  

Black cockatoo - SydFest & touring 2022
'He is the perfect role model. He’s an icon for all young Indigenous people.
They don’t teach us about him in school but they should.' Aaron McGrath
    July 2019  

Moogahlin 10 Year anniversary
    4 - 26 May 2019  

Winyanboga Yurringa @ Belvoir

cast includes Angeline Penrith

watch ABC News Breakfast
    25 April 2019  

🖤🌟❤️ We're thrilled to work with such an
innovative, hilarious and talented bunch. [Belvoir]
    24 -26 January 2019  

Yellamundie Playwriting Festival #moogahlin #sydfest

workshops are underway 14-23 Jan #creativenatives

Meet the playwrights panel - Part 1 | Part 2
    18-23 January 2019  

The weekend @ Carriageworks [Sydney Festival]

... a non-stop wild ride #TheWeekendHB
    12 December 2017  

Cope St Collective @ Alex Park
    31 August, 28 September, 26 October, 23 November 2017  

Cope ST Collective @ Glebe Library
    21 July 2017  

The Weekend by Henrietta Baird. Sneak peek of
Yellamundie in Development with Angeline Penrith
    24 March 2017  
    27-29 January 2017  

Review by Maryrose Casey for The Conversation

workshopping 16-25th

readings 26-29th

Billy Mac's play 'Cuz' at Weesageechak festival
    12-20 August 2016  

Tribunal - parallels between indigenous & asylum
seeker experiences Griffin Theatre | ABC LifeMatters
    3-6 August 2016  
Winyanboga Yurringa

Day 1 of rehearsals
Andrea James, Pamela Young & Angeline Penrith

sneak peek

RealTime 133: Serious comedy connects with country
RealTime 134: Girls lost and found
ABC Books and Arts
SBS interview and showreel


more photos of the cast
    28-30 June 2016  

  Cope St collective

workshops 27th July - 8th August
play readings at Carriagworks 6-8 August

posted on fb - WOW we received 22 plays from all over the country ...
Now it is down to reading and assessing all of them
by our amazing and professional team. Stay tuned. This is very exciting!
Battle of Waterloo

Wharf Theatre, written by Kylie Coolwell
first presented at the Redfern Salon
NITV News  |  Awaye  |  SSH

In 2009, I moved to Waterloo with my partner, have lived there ever since.
I love the place. Even though it’s not far from the city, Waterloo is a bit like a country town where everybody knows each other - and your business, but that's what makes it such a wonderful community to be part of. While there’s a lot of negative press about this largely public-housing community, it’s important that people  have the opportunity to see the humanity, dignity and love that keeps us strong, as well as the shared pain of dispossession and loss that people are trying to overcome. Kylie

Founders | Liza-Mare Syron, Frederick Copperwaite, Lily Shearer

Company in Conversation – Moogahlin Performing Arts

Recording from the Australian Theatre Forum 2015, where
David Williams talked to the team, including Andrea James.
Sound Lounge, Seymour Centre, 21 January 2015.
    16 January 2015  
40th anniversary playreading

by Moogahlin at Eora

The Fox and the freedom fighters
Rhonda Dixon-Grovenor & Nadeena Dixon
the story of Chicka Dixon - Performance Space trailer
& ABC Life Matters 2RN



at the boatshed

A meeting of minds - eight artists from diverse genres - performing artists Colin Kinchela,

Nardi Simpson and Kyra Kum-Sing, photographic artist Barbara McGrady, cultural repres-
entative Donna Ingram and artists Joe Hurst, James Simon & Jasmine Sarin - worked with
 historians, elders & cultural leaders to create the boathouse. Curator Marjorie Anderson.

Throughout the evenings, characters from the
Moogahlin Players dressed in 1800s costume to
bring the past to life and tell Aboriginal
history first-hand through stories.

A meeting of minds - historic story

See the notebooks

Black Theatre's first full-length play in Redfern in
1975 on again - Belvoir 14th November - 8th December
The Fox and the freedom fighters

at Performance Space's 30 year celebration 23 Nov

Battle of Waterloo

Rough Draft #23 - Friday 25 October 6.30pm @ Wharf 2
Kylie Coolwell [Redfern Salon] testdriving her script
    2013 The Black Theatre  
The Redfern story
Street to stage

Darlene Johnson's film about the Black Theatre 1972-1977

Gerry & Lester Bostock, Bryan Brown, Aileen Corpus, Max Cullen, Lillian Crombie,
Gary Foley
, Marcia Langton, Lisa & Rachel Maza, Bronwyn Penrith, Bindi Williams
Film available from Ronin Films

Yellamundie 7-9 February | AWAYE

with Redfern salon on the 8th - four local playsYellamundi-writers-500.jpg
Leanne Lovegrove, Victoria Kennedy, Kylie Coolwell, Lorna Munro
Billy McPherson, Jada Roberts
    2012 - 2013  

This fella, my memory
September 4-7, 2013  showreel on vimeo

Family and culture day

I am Eora
SBS Living Black 23/9/12 & ABC Message Stick 12/7/12 -n/a


Posts in the Paddock


A performance combining sculpture, animation, puppetry, and oral histories


Presented by Performance Space


One hundred and eleven years ago, relatives of My Darling Patricia’s Clare Britton were murdered by an Aboriginal Bushranger, Jimmy Governor, on a property in the Hunter Valley. Taking its name from the ruins of the house, Posts in the Paddock combines sculpture, animation, puppetry, performance and oral histories exploring this moment in history from multiple perspectives.


My Darling Patricia collaborate with actor LeRoy Parsons, Jimmy’s great great grandson and Elder Aunty Rhonda Grovenor who also shares a family connection. You are invited to share this intimate and ultimately very personal work of reconciliation.



Bryony Anderson, Jenn Blake, Michelle Blakeney, Clare Britton, Nadeena Dixon, Aunty Rhonda Dixon Grovenor, Phil Downing, Fiona Foley, Samuel James, Halcyon Macleod, LeRoy Parsons, Sam Routledge, Lily Shearer and Chris Twyman



Katy Becket, Marley Dixon & Alison Murphy Oates







Wed 9 - Sat 19 November 2011

Preview: Wed 9 Nov, 8pm
Tue-Sat, 8pm
Student Rush: Fri 18 Nov
Matinee: Sat 19 Nov, 2pm

Fri 18 Nov, post show

Bay 20, Carriageworks

$30/$20/$15 + BF


    15 July 2011  
Theatre Night 15th July 7:00pm

Four young deadly emerging actors have come together to devise a performance
piece based on their experience about the subject and notion of change. Unique
stories of personal transformation, immersed in the culture and theatre of Redfern.

starring Dalara Williams, Jackson McDonald, Charna Reid, Megan Wilding
facilitator Katherine Beckett, contact Sonny Dallas-Law

Bully Beef Stew; Three Aboriginal men
Sonny Dallas Law, Colin Kinchela, Bjorn Stewart


Actor on a Box:

The Dreaming: Wake Up Australia!

The Sydney Theatre Company

12-13 April, 2011

Starring Angeline Penrith
Directed by Leah Purcell

Geraldine Worthington’s review


Using the Richard Wherrett Studio at Sydney Theatre, director Leah has Angeline Penrith escorting a very young audience and their carers back to the beginnings of Pamanyungun, the land the white man calls Australia.The story is a contemporary narration of the genesis of this great southern land. These stories have been passed to the writer/director, Leah Purcell, by her family.

At the core of the performance are two main Dreamtime stories featuring Wahn, the beautiful colourful crow and how he lost his feathers and turned black, and the journey of the Rainbow Serpent as she travels through the

Wakka Wakka region.The Rainbow Serpent, inhabitant of permanent waterholes, is in control of life’s most precious resource, water. With this water, grass and trees spring up and animals awake and follow the Rainbow Serpent across the land.

Angeline Penrith, affable and competent, quickly establishes a rapport with her audience.

After the performance there is a period of audience interaction when Angeline engages young and old. She introduces herself as a Koori from Redfern, and  teaches us Aboriginal names for the central characters of the story, and leads us in the Wake Up Australia dance. I knew those Zumba classes would come in useful some day!

After this rather brief encounter there are tables set up where the children can colour in a picture of Angeline and the story to take home. Angeline also invites them to add their hand print to the mural in progress.

It was enjoyable but very brief. I know little ones have a short attention span and a fast show is a good show, but another story after the activity session would have been rewarding — and we would have been good!

However, it was fun, funny, spiritual and informative. The promotion material reminds us how precious these stories are to the ancestors and it was a immense honour to participate in their traditional continuance and to assist in the nurturing and passing on of this ancient, timeless art of storytelling.

As Angeline taught us – it was Deadly!                 also Stage Whispers


Gathering ground 2010
    8 July 2009  


Workshopping the script: Angeline Penrith, Lateesha Smith, Rowena Welsh Jarrett, Savannah Peacock, link gone


Gathering ground 2008

formed in Redfern in 2007 to honour the late Kevin Smith’s
request and in memory of the founding members of the
Black Theatre, to create & tell community-based stories
    Streetcar named Desire  

Theatrelab’s contemporary indigenous dance adaptation of Streetcar Named Desire is set on the Block.  Involving Australia’s leading Aboriginal performing artists including Kirk Page, Rayma and Kerry Johnson, Wayne Blair, Emma Donovan and Billy McPherson, this new adaptation of the timeless classic is called, This train terminates at Redfern.  Theatrelab raised $90,000 to develop this production from the ground up, including choreography, composition of music and textual adaptation and song writing. 

    2005 - 2007  

Banna Hankin & Jie Pittman from Liza-Mare Syron's
The Ephemera monologues
    2001 - 2003  

Stand your ground
    2001 - 2002  
    1972 - 1977  

The Black Theatre - see more
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